Steps From The Easel

Do you want to keep learning and continue to enjoy the wonderful Pastel Medium?
This is an opportunity to set your own study pace in the time that suits your lifestyle.
You can benefit from lessons that cover topics that have been offered in studio time by Lyn. As she shares her years of experience, tips and processes, including things to avoid, you will have a 'front row view' in video of each activity and painting as Lyn shares her steps to painting straight from her easel.
These courses each have a theme. They are stand alone courses but of course each one will add to the understanding of the painting process of our wonderful pastels. They explore differing subjects, land and seascapes under differing skylights both inland and coastal. This is an opportunity to paint in your own time, no matter where you live. The lessons are all direct videos made by Lyn and she shares and guides you with the methods she has found to work so well during her 30 + years with soft pastel.
These lessons differ from Zoom lessons as there are no painting assessments.  Self Study Courses are either single subjects, short or longer topic series Clouds -6 lessons Salt Water 1 - 4 lessons Dark Water in the High Country - single subject with 2x bonus lessons. Sunlit Shallows - single subject with extra mini session. Students have private access 24-7 for 12 months so can work at their own pace. Further classes are being added regularly.


77A Barkly St Mornington Victoria.  next class available February 4 to March 25 - 8 weeks
-STUDIO:- Mornington - Private Studio - Morning 10am - 12.30pm Lyn will illustrate method, and more importantly, the reason or steps involved for each weeks painting concept. experimentation is eye-opening! Lyn follows your painting's progress, and is there to discuss any issues that you encounter and/or offer individual assessment along the way and at the lesson's end.
-STUDIO:- Mornington - Private Studio Afternoon 1pm - 3.15pm The afternoon session is directed to the students own painting completion, be it a continuation of the Morning's theme or individual artwork inspired by the term theme. Pastel is the primary focus in this class but similar colour process and layering concepts can also apply to oil or acrylic.


Beginner's Foundation class.


February 6 to March 13 - 6 weeks

Fee $180

This class will guide the newer students in the essential basic concepts and the ideal ways to apply pastel to build beautiful colours both clean and subtle.

In the first lesson it is not essential to pre purchase or bring your own pastels or paper. Lyn will supply these for your use in this class and the various pastels/papers and any other requirements are explained before you consider any other purchases.

In this lesson students will start a painting. Lyn demonstrates in stages and you practise on your own painting. You will be using many of the ways to apply pastel and touch on other important colour, texture, and tonal concepts that bring your paintings to life.


Numbers are limited to 6 students. Tea/coffee provided.

  • Studio Class  Enquiries-

    It is essential to ring or email Lyn to, enquire about lessons, confirm your place or how to make payment.

People who attend, will be receiving highly acclaimed professional tuition from an artist who has mastered her medium, loves to paint and will share that joy with you.

MATERIAL LISTS  issued weekly if needed before each class.


*    Painting isn't just technique - rather an understanding of the importance of choices as we use art techniques to enhance your painting's story, energy and mood.

As we work through the paintings we will be developing the following skills:

Understanding the importance of:
*     Composition
*     Perspective
*     Tonal value
*     Texture
    The way colour choice can enhance a mood         

*     Drawing and sketching techniques

*     Varying ways to apply pastel pigment

*     The importance of stroke size and pressure

*     When blending is/isn't appropriate

*     The importance of space - negative and positive

*     Under colours

*     Scumbling over colours

*     Light/dark - warm/cool - lost/found elements

*     Assessment & Evaluation

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